About Samarth Kashyap

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I am a researcher at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. I'm affiliated with the Center for High Energy Physics at IISc, where I work with Prof. Apoorva Patel, focusing on applying variational quantum eigensolvers(VQEs) to estimate hydrogen bond dissociation energies in small molecules.

My research interests include quantum information and quantum computing, with a twofold focus on interdisciplinary applications of quantum computing as well as the study of quantum resources such as contextuality.

My current work involves developing VQE techniques to model hydrogen bonded systems such as water and ammonia dimers, with the aim of applying these techniques to study spin ice systems with frustrated ground states.

I've previously worked on quantum machine learning for image classification during my undergrad and master's studies at IISc, with Prof. Shayan Srinivasa Garani.

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